Flower blooms & weeds a plenty! The transformation of your garden is about to begin; the flowers will bloom and the grass will grow, but don’t forget, with this glorious sunshine comes those pesky weeds!
Gardening Jobs For May
May plants
- Iris ‘Holden Clough’
- Delphinium Guinevere
- Hosta ‘Platinum Tiara’
- Solomon’s seal
- Aquilegias
(all available at Palmers)
May Jobs Checklist
- Keep vulnerable plants protected at night
- Tidy your borders & get rid of weeds
- Prevent dandelions setting seed
- Water pots and hanging baskets
- Feed bodrers (general purpose fertiliser)
- Thin out annuals
- Plant summer bedding plants
- Feed camellias & rhododendrons
- Spray roses with fungicide
- Mow lawn weekly, feed monthly
- Harvest early Rhubarb
- Plant out brassicas
- Earth up potatoes
- Hunt for slugs & snails after dark!
General Maintenance
Hopefully the weather is set to improve, but beware, plants can still suffer from frost.
- keep vulnerable, new shoots protected at night
- leave putting out tender bedding until mid May
- continue spring cleaning – tidying your borders and getting rid of weeds
- Dandelions are a common weed at this time of year, if you don’t have time to pull them out at the root then chop off their heads to prevent them from setting seeds
- DON’T FORGET TO WATER!! Invest in an automatic watering system which is more economical, or collect water
- add general purpose fertiliser to the soil and mulch. If you have already mulched, try pulling it back and adding fertiliser beneath
Flowers and Plants
- thin annuals to prevent them from becoming too spindly
- cut off old foliage from flowering perennials
- deadhead Daffodils and Tulips
- sow hardy annuals like Nasturtiums
- plant up containers and pots to add colour to your garden
- cut wispy, dead wood off your Japanese Maples
- don’t forget to feed your Cameillias and Rhododendrons with ericaceous feed
- spray your Roses with fungicide to keep off mildew and black spot.
- seed new lawns now, this is your last chance. Remember to cover to keep the birds away.
- mow your lawns regularly – once a week if needed. Avoid mowing if there is a frost
- feed established lawns if you haven’t already
- protect your fruit trees with netting to keep the birds off
- caterpillars and greenfly will start to appear, pick off caterpillars when you see them, and try a greenfly pesticide (available at Palmers)
- harvest early Rhubarb
- mulch around your Strawberries
- sow your vegetable seeds. Always check the instructions on the packet
- plant out your Brassicas if they’ve been growing in the greenhouse
- earth up your early crop potatoes and plant your main crop
- weed between your vegetables
- VEGETABLE PLANTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT PALMERS including Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Peppers
Don’t Forget The Birds
The birds now have a family to feed so they will be working very hard to raise their chicks.
- make sure you put out fresh water
- put out food, mealworms and mixed seeds
- give your bird table a good clean and check that it’s sturdy and in good condition.

Garden Pests
The slugs and snails are now in abundance, eating your Tulips and any delicious young shoots
- put down pet friendly slug pellets
- remember, they love Hostas and their big tasty leaves, so soak the ground beneath them with liquid slug killer
Happy May in the garden!