The start of the growing season. It’s finally time for the garden to shine. With the ground warming up your plants will start to grow.
Gardening Jobs For March
March plants
- Helleborus Orientalis (Lenten Rose)
- Double Primula (Primrose)
- Corydalis (Pere David)
- Camellia
- Clematis Armandii
(all available at Palmers)
March Jobs Checklist
- Dig over your borders
- Remove any weeds
- Top up mulch where needed
- Plant bare root & container grown roses
- Prune autumn clematis
- Plant summer flowering bulbs
- Sow hardy annuals
- Plant out sweet peas
- First ‘light’ cut of the lawn
- Plant bare rooted fruit bushes & trees
- Plant shallots, garlic & onion sets
- Harvest leeks & brassicas
- Plant tomatoes, peppers & salads indoors or in greenhouse
General Maintenance
- keep protecting plants if there is still any frost.
- continue making your new beds and borders
- dig over all your existing borders and remove any weeds
- mulch any areas of the garden you may have missed in autumn
Flowers and Plants
- plant your container grown roses, shrubs and climbers. Bare rooted roses cannot be planted once the buds have broken, so this is your last chance.
- prune back your autumn flowering Clematis
- keep slugs away from any new spring shoots
- it’s time to plant your summer flowering bulbs
- sow hardy annuals in mixed colours – taller ones at the back
- sow your sweet peas outdoors and plant out those raised under cover
- remember to water you pots and containers if the weather dries up
- brighten up your pots and containers with Daffodils, Pansies, Violas, Primroses and Cyclamen
- if its dry, give your lawn a light cut – do not be tempted to cut it if it is wet
- continue preparing the area if laying a new lawn.
- your standard fruit trees should be pruned by now. If not make sure you do it now; keep the centre fairy open and remove rubbing branches to prevent disease
- protect your fruit with netting to keep the birds off
- plant pot-grown fruit tree and strawberry plants
- this is the latest time you can plant bare-root fruit bushes and trees

When the weather turns warmer, you can sow your vegetable crops. Nothing beats home grown food. We have a comprehensive range of propagation materials available at Palmers.
- plant your shallots, garlic and onion sets (all available at Palmers)
- harvest your leeks, brussel sprouts, broccoli and cabbage
- get ahead with your summer vegetables by planting tomatoes, sweet pepper and salads inside