The garden is in full colour & glory. With June ‘hopefully’ comes some much needed sunshine and we should be able to see gardens full of colour and beauty.
Gardening Jobs For June
June plants
- Helenium ‘Sahin’s Early Flowerer’
- Pink Hawaiian Coral Peony
- Astrantia
- London Pride (Saxifraga x urbium)
- Silene fimbriata
(all available at Palmers)
June Jobs Checklist
- Hoe weeds on hot days
- Water pots & hanging baskets regularly
- Dead head your flowers
- Plant out summer bedding plants
- Feed planters & hanging baskets fortnightly
- Prune flowering shrubs
- Erect supports for herbaceous plants
- Feed lawn with high nitrogen fertiliser
- Add straw around base of strawberry plants
- Plant out tomato plants
- Earth up potatoes
- Hunt for slugs and snails after dark!
General Maintenance
- keep those pesky weeds at bay. Try hoeing them on warm days and leaving them on the surface to wither in the sunshine
- still keep an eye on any really tender plants at night time, just in case the frost rears it’s ugly head again
- keep your garden well watered, particularly if it’s hot. Why not try a bit of recycling and collect your rain water to reuse.
Flowers and Plants
- deadhead your flowers. Your flowers will thrive more if you remove any old spent flower heads
- plant out your summer bedding – a full variety available now at Palmers
- give your hanging baskets, pots and containers a feed every now and then
- cut back tender shrubs like penstemons, once the frost has disappeared
- towards the end of the month you need to prune your flowering shrubs, cutting out the oldest bits of wood right down to the base
- keep your Roses healthy by treating with a fungicide spray to clear off black spot and mildew. Try and do this in the evening to prevent harm to our much needed bees
- erect supports for herbaceous plants, like your Peonies and Delphiniums, this should help prevent collapse
- tie in sweet peas using a soft twine
- plant up tubs and containers to add instant colour to your garden
- thin your annuals fortnightly to prevent them becoming spindly
- feed your lawns with a high nitrogen fertiliser
- MOW! Try to mow your lawn weekly, this should help it to stay healthier
- water your lawn to prevent it drying out in the hot weather
Those delicious strawberries should be showing now, a sign that summer is truly on it’s way.
- add straw around the strawberries to keep the fruit away from the soil
- keep all your fruit watered well and keep away weeds
- protect your fruit trees and bushes with netting else the birds might eat them all
- vegetable seeds can still be sown this month, we have a full variety available at Palmers
- plant out your brussels, cabbages and broccoli
- plant out your tomato plants, again we have a full variety available at Palmers. Be sure to use canes for support
- earth up your potatoes to prevent sunlight getting to the tubers turning them green
Don’t Forget The Birds
- keep supplying them with fresh food and water
- we have a full range of seed and feeders available at Palmers…a great gift for Father’s Day

Garden Pests
- Protect your new shoots from slugs. Try using egg shells, or some slug pellets
Enjoy your garden and make the most of the sunshine!